How often do we find a reason to abdicate from doing something that may actually do us good.

Most healers will tell you, that when things start getting intense or close to the heart of the matter in the therapeutic relationship, a client will often find a reason to not attend a session. They will “forget”, have too much on, be too ill, or just not be able to make it. Sometimes these are valid reasons of course. However think about it. If you have a cold wouldnt a healing make you feel better?  If it’s been a tough week/ month wouldnt you be running to your next healing session? I know I did. Throughout my healing journey I think I may have cancelled or missed an appointment a handful of times in an 8 year period. No matter what was going on in my life, and at times there was a lot, I always always put my healing first. And the reason for this, because I wanted, I yearned for my life to shift and for alignment to come into my life.

We have to want to heal, we have to want to change our life in whatever way we are seeking. We have to want the proverbial pot of gold at the end of the rainbow. If we dont want it enough, if we dont believe it even exists, or that we deserve it then we will do most anything to not get there. And sometimes that self saboteur will run riot in our lives until we start to take back the reigns and find Mastery over our own lives. After all that is what we are here to do. To be co creators. Not to sit at the feet of some Guru, Teacher or Healer, but to gain self mastery and live the lives we wish to lead.

There are many ways we can distract ourselves from ourselves. From really facing ourselves and in so doing coming to Love all parts of us. Not in a way that means we need to proclaim this from every rooftop, simply in a way that honours us in every moment. And that means we treat ourselves and others with respect,we do not force our opinions on others for fear we may have to admit we are “wrong”, we do not hold onto resentments, we do  not seek to judge or to back bite- for we are in such a place that our inner Peace does not seek to disturb the lives of others. And really when we are sat around talking about someone else is that not a distraction in itself?

From the music we listen to, to having constant background noise- a TV say on all day, to food, to alcohol, to finding something, anything to do other than be alone with oneself and one’s thoughts. And yet at the same time, we may crave a relationship. How can we ever seek to find someone who wants to be alone with us when we dont want to be alone with ourselves.

And what is it we are so busy running away from? How is it even possible to run from oneself? You take you with you wherever you go. Your thoughts play out whatever you are doing. And after a while they become so woven into our fabric that we lose awareness we are even thinking certain things or in a certain why- it becomes a pattern.

When a healer heals in Angelic Reiki or in Shamanic Healing, we seek to become the purest channel, the hollow bone or the empty reed. We seek to empty our container of all the dross and baggage of thoughts and judgements and to connect to the purest form of ourself. In so doing we allow Spirit to flow through us. This also happens at times of focused creativity, this happens when we truly fall in love. This happens when we leave ourselves alone and stop trying to shut out anything and simply allows ourselves to connect to something greater than us. This cannot happen when we are distracted.

It takes focus to not be distracted, it takes focus to leave oneself alone because we now live in a society where we are bombarded with information and stimuli. Once that focus has become a habit then it can be as attuned as breathing in and out.

It takes a real desire for change and a real intention that we shall embrace the change we yearn for. For we can ask for change and then find something to distract us from taking those steps. After all what are we putting on hold and till when? Only our well being, only our happiness. So we ask how long until I stop denying myself and actually embrace myself.

To distract yourself from yourself is to deny yourself. To go within and address all that needs healing, to step up and face yourself the good and the parts you dont like- brings completion, integration and mastery


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