I am going to tackle a bit of a sensitive subject, because I feel ultimately it is going to be empowering to us all. And that is that Healers are Human also.

There can be a tendency when sitting opposite a healer to believe that somehow this person is the Holy Grail. They most likely live the most fulfilled, zen like life ever. All their needs are met all the time. They have love, abundance and in fact are most of the time able to magic up anything. They probably spent most of their life being a healer, a magic person. They didnt go through any trauma, they did not do drugs, they dont smoke or drink. They dont have rows or lose their temper. And their families most likely also float around being really zen like. Dammit they are so perfect we wish we were them. We wish we could have some of what they have.

This brings up many things. How we set about to adore and hero worship another human being and in so doing we give away our own Power and say we are not good enough. We cannot ever be as good as them. When in actual fact- looking up to someone, having those we admire is healthy should we use this in a way that inspires us to be the best we can be. The sickness can come when we insist on not doing the work we need to grow and still look to another to be our Saviour. There are no Saviours that do not already lie in us. And any authentic healer and teacher will show us that. Will guide is to our own Power.

I once sat in circle with an incredible teacher for 2 days. At the end of that time as he was closing the space I asked to speak. And out poured all my admiration towards him, how much I had learnt, how incredible I felt his connection to Spirit was….and on and on. At the end of my little speech, the circle sat in silence. He looked at me and said “the thanks for me is that you go out and do the work”.  Pause. And then he smiled and said “but thank you”. That was  for me the beauty of an authentic healer and teacher. In that moment he took the baton of love and empowerment that I was placing at his feet and gave it back to me and said now you go out and forge your path with this work.

Yes a truly authentic teacher and healer shall do that. They shall inspire us to be the best we can be. They shall not disempower us and tell us we need to keep seeing them to be anything. And always they shall say to us when we ask then what to do- what does your guidance tell you. For the answers lie in us. It may not be what we want to hear- it is what we need to hear almost always. Unless the situation is so dire we need a real hand out of the morass.

In that moment as well I saw this teacher as human. And I saw myself as having potential to one day maybe be as power filled as him with the work.

When we idolise out healers we are living in a fantasy world waiting to be rescued. Healers and those in service will have devoted their lives to this work because it will have called to them. It will be and often is a very haphazard path. Often involving much initiation, a real losing of everything that was not in alignment. Sometimes deep trauma or sickness, sometimes a life or death situation. Shamanically the Spirits call to the Healer and this will be through a life threatening incident or illness. This is not a path of fluffy bunnies and glitter. This is a path of commitment and of facing the shadows of the Self to come to full realisation and integration.

This makes our healers human. Like us. The reason they can help us is because most of the time they will have been where we have and come out the other side. This makes them human. And they got through it because they tapped into that God part in them- which now you can too. And hopefully that is what they will be guiding you towards also.

Our healers have bills to pay, mortgages and rent to pay, children to take to school. They fall ill- sometimes a great deal as their bodies and energy fields keep clearing so they can be the purest channels for the work. They will have partners and break ups and make ups. They will have families that love them and families that they fall out with. They are human. They have chosen to walk a path of service because not to often causes pain. It is not an industry like banking that one goes into to make quick cash. It is a vocation.

I am talking about authentic healers here. And my field of knowledge extends to Reiki Masters and Shamanic Healers so thats who I am talking about. The authentic ones who charge reasonable rates and care about helping. We all know healers who turn bad so to speak. Cross boundaries or start charging very high rates. That is not something I am talking about. Im talking about the authentic heart led healers.

Because they are human like us they need to charge for the service they provide. Because they are human like us they cannot be of service 24 hrs a day. Because they are human like us, they need to take holidays, eat lunch, not work too late, spend time doing something other than healing. Asking our healers to be anything else is like asking a hairdresser to cut hair 24 hrs a day, 7 days a week for free. Just because we are talking about the Spirit realm or energy and not hair does not mean we lose all sense of humanity. Great hairdressers are channelling just as much as great healers. That amazing hair cut that no one else could give you? Thats a gift. Being able to be a clear channel, the hollow bone is also a gift. We could all do it if we wanted, we could all learn to cut hair, some of us shall have a gift for that – it shall be in our blood, it shall be our bliss. And we all have our bliss. For we are all Spirit having a physical experience. We are all Human.

This means that yes we respect our healers when we see them and we have gratitude also. Gratitude for the time and attention they give us. That we have realistic expectations and in so having we take charge of our own healing also. We are not making a pilgrimage to a great God who shall take away all our cares. We are seeing someone that shall guide us to the Infinite wonder and wisdom in us and show us that we have all we need to be healed at any time. It lies in us and around us. That is a gift too precious for words and one to be cherished. That is what true healing awakens in us.

Should we be seeking a Guru we are living in a child’s world view. Seeking a parent to kiss it better. It may also be how we view Spirit. Demanding, asking for “stuff” and not really giving thanks or giving something back.

Its worth sitting with what our true  feelings are about healing and healers. The moment we hand over Power we have lost the Truth of the essence. A good healer like my Teacher will bounce that Power back to us. Our job is to accept it as a gift and not then grow angry at not being saved or parented. Those may well be old wounds. Work on them, own them, heal them, release them. And so come into Union in Self

And its worth sitting with our true feelings about Spirit. Are we expecting to be rescued? Do we ask more than we give thanks, make offerings?

Seeing our healers as human means we see ourselves as Infinitely Powerful, it means we respect the healing and the healer and it means we see that through working together, magic is possible.

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