There has been much spoken of recently about the powers of Manifestation. Co creating with the Divine. Building the life we wish to lead. Vision Boards, Affirmations and Visualisations are all very effective tools. They can and do work to bring about that which we desire. I have used these tools, and used them in healing sessions- seeing the effects in all their beauty.

For me the true glory of manifestation lies in where the desires are coming from and how aligned with our truth we really are. If we set intentions that are coming from a place of ego- that are looking to influence the free will of someone else so that our needs can be met above theirs, then our desires are not coming from a place of the heart.

Yes we are powerful beings, yes we are co creators of our realities. Our journey here is to be fully in our I AM Presence. To Re-Member who we truly are- Divine beings having a physical experience. Does this mean we can magic up anything? Well in one way yes we can. And we only need look at the way the world has been so divided in terms of those who have and those who do not. The way we can see many climb the ladders of success, only to reach positions of Power and act in ways that are devoid of Love.

I am sure we know people that have sat in meditations, done their vision boards and “manifested” the life they wish to lead. We watch  their lives in awe, wishing we were that in our hearts to be able to have all our desires come true too.

The thing to remember is- we can all manifest- we can all draw to us what we desire- and we can do this from our hearts and we can do this from our egos. We can do this working with the Light, with the Heart or we can do this using our ego, using lower desires. The point is there is nothing stopping us from asking for and bringing into reality that we wish for. There are many ways of doing this, many forms of “magic”. The thing to remember is if we call something into our life- if we yearn for something in our life- our intentions, our inner most thoughts around this will also manifest. So we ask for Love in our lives- but we also have a Core belief that all we Love is taken away.Well the chances are we will manifest a Love that is at some point taken away. Or we will feel is taken away.

We ask for success and to have abundance- but we omit to ask that this bring us true Joy- that this be in true alignment with our Higher Selves. And so we get that success but we find that there is something missing- a part of us feels unfulfilled.

We ask for a new home, we ask for marriage, believing that will bring us Joy. All along we have not looked at WHY we wanted these things. Did we believe they would fulfill a role, did we believe they would help us forget about an ex, did we feel they would validate us in the eyes of our family.So sure we may get the things we ask to manifest- but somewhere that which has not been healed lies festering away in us. Making us feel incomplete, competitive ( still! we thought having all this stuff would fix that!) and resentful but we dont know why. We are living a lie because we never truly looked at what needed healing.

The fact is when we heal our wounds, when we heal the stories that no longer serve us- then all we yearn for becomes so much easier. It is like all the roadblocks have been taken away and we now have a through road to the Heart and its desires. The Inner healing is so very important.

The key to manifesting the life we wish to lead is to come from our hearts and to have the humility and the faith to see that we cannot know the whole picture- we see but shards of the whole. So we do our affirmations, we work at clearing, healing and integrating those parts of ourselves that feel unworthy, unloved, resistant. We create our vision boards, we surround ourselves with reminders of that we wish to have in our lives. And we pray. We ask Spirit to bring us what we need in the best way possible. We ask for that Love to come into our lives in the best way possible for us. We ask for that job to manifest in our lives in the best way possible. We ask for that help with our finances. And we surrender. Giving thanks for all the gifts we already have in our lives.

Manifestation is about forgiveness, healing, gratitude and clear intentions. Look ahead to the life you want and see it, smell it, taste it and ask Spirit to bless it. To guide you into it, to step into the dream. Have your dream BE a dream, dare to dream. Dare to ask for the impossible- from your heart. Which means it harms no one, which means it does not cost anyone anything, which means it is for the highest good of all involved. And then let it go. Let it go. Let it go and have faith that when the time is right and when you are least expecting it there it shall be. Perhaps not in the form you expected but in just the right form for you.

In the meantime as you “wait” you keep working on yourself to be in the best place possible for this gift. If you want that relationship then work on building that relationship with yourself. Have you really delved deep into your shadow to truly know yourself. Because when in a relationship all those areas you have run away from shall be mirrored back to you. Have you prepared your soul and your body to be in the best place it can be. All those things you are asking for in a relationship- do you already embody them? How can we ask something of someone else when we ourselves are not embodying them?  And as ever we keep working on the relationship with Spirit, we keep deepening that connection. We keep asking for guidance and that Divine Love to heal all areas of our life.

For me there are no “new” meditations or new ways of connecting. There is a re-membering of what always has been. There are no tricks to manifesting. Just an open heart, a true connection to Spirit, the power of prayer and the ability to dream big. Knowing that when we are held in the arms of Spirit all is possible- as soon as we allow ourselves to be held.



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