We are in incredible times. And if you have found this website and this page then a part of you is seeking. Seeking healing, learning or something else. Seeking is good. It means we are looking to be challenged, we are wanting to change. It means that something in our lives is not feeling quite right and we wish to find our Truth. It may even mean that we wish to radically change our lifestyle and way/s of thinking.

This is growth and growth can have its’ own pains. As our consciousness expands and grows. As we move beyond confines that no longer serve us, we may experience some emotional or physical discomfort. This is good and to be embraced. In this discomfort shall be some great seeds of learning and empowerment. Often in these times we come to truly understand who we are and all we have to offer to the world. If we simply sailed through our life half asleep well what a wasted life that would be.

When discomfort arises the tendency can be to want to bandage,or salve this in some way. To make it go away or suppress it. Perhaps we feel we do not have the time or we feel that others expect us to be a certain way. Truthfully time is an illusion. In the Spirit realms there is no time. When we are enjoying what we love time seems to speed up, when we are not, time seems to slow down. This shows us how illusory time is as a concept and how it is dependant on where we are in our inner worlds. If you never allow yourself to let go and spend time with yourself, you shall feel as if there are not enough hours in the day. The truth shall be until you carve out time for yourself time shall remain limited.

How others view us is based on how we view ourselves. Have respect and love for yourself and chances are you shall meet others who feel the same way about you. Put your needs at the bottom of a list and more than likely others shall do the same also.

So now we have established that there IS a way to honour the discomfort- how to assist the changing process? Some simple practices can be very useful.

1. Quiet Time. Time spent in meditation or out in nature can her very soothing when we are facing upheaval or change of any kind. Even 30 mins a day will make a huge difference and allow you to truly start to connect to your own inner wisdom. This makes decision making easier and assists you in navigating your own life.

2. Time in Nature. Away from the noise and demands of living, take some time to be out on the land. Barefoot on earth or grass, sat with a tree, staring up at the sky, walking in the rain. Allow the simplicity and the power of nature, of the land to infuse you. Nature shows us there is a time/season for everything. A time to let go, a time to plant seeds, a time to rest and a time to work. When we find our own inner seasons we start to realise that moments in our lives shall be about loss, some about new intentions, some about creation and so on. We also start to see that there is a cycle to everything and all changes and passes. No matter how stuck we may feel, everything passes and changes should we allow it to.

3. Salt Baths. Salt or Epsom Salt Baths can be deeply cleansing. Allowing the body to release emotional and physical toxins. It is a good idea to have a salt bath 2-3 times a week, more if you are going through a particularly trying time. Let the water cleanse and heal you. And as the water drains away imagine all that you wish to let go off is being drained away from you. Add some lavender or some rose oil for some added gentleness.

4. Journaling. At the end of the day writing down your thoughts allows your mind to clear out and let go. This way you can get to sleep on a clean slate and wake up with a clean slate for a fresh start.

5. Dancing. Movement is paramount when we are going through change or when we may feel stuck. It gets us moving, it gets our energy moving and we can also use the physical to help us release or work through the emotional. Put on some music that you love and move to it. Just that. Nothing too complicated. Allow yourself to let go for 10-20 mins and see how you feel afterwards. Lighter more likely and a little happier also.

6. Sound. Releasing sound that allows you to let go of anything you may be holding onto that is trapped or cannot even be put into words. Just release emotion, what may be inside you on an Ah or an Oo sound. Find a space where you won’t be disturbed and try it. See what wants to come out. And allow it to flow through you.

7. Paint. Get some paint, some pencils, a large canvas, a small canvas, a sheet of paper, whatever calls and express yourself. No agenda, no formula, just allow the colours and the movements of your hands to be a release for all you are feeling.

8. Create a vision board. Where do you want to be? What do you want in your life? You may have a very clear idea, you may not. That is okay. Use pictures, images you have drawn, colours, words, anything that gets the senses going and the imagination stimulated. You may have one word in mind- Peace, Love, Joy- well put that up on your vision board and set that as an intention for the next week, month of your life and see what starts to shift. What we focus on we create so focus on that you want not that you do not want.

9. Love. Open your heart. Find something every day that creates a feeling of love in you. It could be a song, it could be time in nature, it could be a book, or a love song. Something that opens your heart to the magnificence of Love and all its’ energising qualities. Allow yourself to bit by bit become a channel for such love and watch how that starts to change and move your life.

10. Clear you space. Clear our your home or office of clutter. Get rid of anything that holds painful memories, anything past its’ sell by date, anything you do not need or use. Create space in your home/office so new energies can come in. All that debris only serves to weigh us down.

Above all be gentle and loving with yourself. Change is growth and it cannot be rushed. Allow what needs to unfold to unfold and know that all passes and shifts. All is part of the great mystery of life


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