So it is here. The 2012 that so many have talked about for a while. The year of great change, of our lives being turned upside down, of a movement in the World towards something more whole and heart led. Well. It’s day one. And where is it? And in fact what does this mean for you, for the individual, for our lives, our hearts, our yearnings, our desires, our lives that make up the Global Consciousness.

We have talked about being in our Truth and being in our Power and it certainly feels like even on Day One, what we are being asked to do is to speak our Truth in all ways. This may be a bit croaky at first, we may speak with too much aggression or passion, we may forget to engage the heart. Yet all this will be propelling us towards those things, people and places that are truly aligned with our Highest Purpose. For we cannot fulfill our Highest calling, do what we came here to do, sing the song of our souls, be the truest most authentic us we can be if we are still attached to that which is not aligned withour Highest Selves, With our heart’s yearnings.

This may be painful. It may mean speaking of past wounds or clearing current fears and misunderstandings with loved ones, with family, with friends, with bosses. Each time being asked to Speak our Truth. And we do this for at its most basic to honour ourselves. When we do this, we say to that deepest part of us: I respect your wishes, your desires, your voice enough to put it out there. And then I shall take the consequences. This may mean the end of something or the re negotiating of something. It may mean time apart, it may mean looking inwards and real deep reflection. The thing to hold onto is in that moment you honoured all parts of yourself. That brings healing, empowerment and Truth into your life. When we start to respect all those sides of us, we create that space for that energy to be returned to us. How can we ask for Love from others when we are busy denying that to ourselves? How can we ask to be respected when we are already denying that to ourselves.

Being in one’s Power like anything takes time to Master. Reiki Masters, Masters of any Tradition are not Masters of anything that the other person could not do. That is not what it refers to. The term means Mastery of one’s own life, of one’s own inner dialogue and on the outside of all that makes up one’s life. And that is something we are all here to do. To Master our lives. To Master our Selves.

Take a look at the areas of your life: career, money, health, family, love, friendships, home, self and see how balanced these feel. Are all these areas of your life exactly how you would like them to be. Do you feel nurtured, safe, happy in all. Or is there room for improvement.

A simple ritual for the New Year is to take some pieces of paper and for each section of your life write on a new piece of paper what you have already, that you like and that you dont. So for career write all you have: the boss, the wage, the route to work, the good and the bad. Do the same for all areas. Now create for yourself a sacred space. Light some candles, focus inwards, connect with your heart and with a higher source. Whatever your belief system, and ask for guidance. Start to allow your heart to remove the bits of paper that have what you no longer wish to have in this area of your life. And then add new pieces of paper with what you would like. So for eg: Boss: we dont get on is replaced with Boss I have a healthy relationship with. Wage not enough is replaced with the amount that would help you pay the rent. Go through like this with all areas. There are no magic fixes. What this does is focus the mind on where in your life you are living in alignment and where not. And then you can start the healing process on those areas that may need a little re adjusting. We still have the rest of the year for that yet! The important thing is to know where you are and where you would like to be. The steps in between shall be the healing and the Joy.

Burn the papers you removed in your own safe, guided ritual and look at what you have now added. These are the beginnings of your intentions. Over the coming months you can refine these, make a vision/dream board, add to them, change and have fun with creating the Life you would like to lead. Guided by Spirit, you take back the reigns of your life from situations and people you handed it over to and start to learn that Mastery is a never ending journey of discovery, healing, challenge and blessing.

Walk in Beauty
Copyright Amber Agha

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