Sisterhood. What does this mean to you? What is your definition of sisterhood? If you believe you have found it, I would question that- just for a moment, question that. If you feel you have never found that, lets question that also. What does this term mean to you?

Sisterhood for me then is the knowing that as women we are One. That we share similar stories, dreams and abilities. A knowing that is about the depth of a woman’s innate power. For me it says we came from our mothers, women, into female form, we may well bring life again in female form into this world. That we as women are linked by our cycles if nothing else. The monthly flow that synchs the dreamer in us all with a Higher Power. With the power of the Moon, the Waters, the Airs, the dreamers and visioneers.

So where is our sisterhood? I want to lance a sickness, a boil on the purity of sisterhood. Competition and envy. No this is not particular to women. Men have it also. So by competition I mean that envy, that competing that eats away at the inner knowing that we are One. That sickness that eats away at a circle of world wide women. Sisterhood, love is not as simple as we love those we like, or those who do not intimidate in any way. Sisterhood and True Unity is about celebrating the successes of others, even if we may feel as if we are not good enough as we do that. That feeling we are not good enough in the face of someone’s brilliance is our own wound. It does not mean we use that wound, side step it, ignore it, say it is not even there and then start to attack other women whose brilliance we feel outshines ours in some way. With how they look, how they create, how they are. That is not sisterhood. And I have seen far too many women do this to each other for far too long to stay silent any more. This may ruffle some feathers – that is fine. Change does not happen when we are in a space of comfort.

We all have gifts,we all have talents. And these shall be as multi layered as we are. We may be great at some things and not so great at others. Perhaps a childhood where we were not celebrated, perhaps hurtful relationships took the edge of our self loving, self knowing. Okay. However the responsibility for this lies with us to heal this. And heal it we must. Too long damaged women have gone out into the world, damaged other women, brought life into the world and so the cycle continues. This must stop and stop it can. By taking the time to go inwards. Stop it can by every time we feel inclined to judge, to put down, to compete, to steal something, we ask where is this coming from? Is this the Divine part of me acting/speaking or another part? And if so let me set about healing this aspect of myself.

Women who compete with other women for the attention of a man, for attention, this is self loathing. It denies one’s own innate power. Fact, no man can be stolen unless he wishes on some level to be. Fact we cannot make anyone love us by game play, by putting others down, by playing a feather preening game. It may have an instant effect, in the long term it shall not last. For the Truth always comes out. And somehow in our lives we shall pay the price for that action that was not of Love. For manipulation is not Love. And we shall need to make amends for this. Above all, Spirit sees everything so who is one playing the game for? All the scheming and plotting, all the mask wearing, what is the point, when Spirit sees everything.

Sisterhood truly sees another woman as a reflection of the Divine and so celebrates all that woman has to offer. If we meet a woman who blows us away we celebrate her even more. We do not seek to pull her down, we do not seek to attack her, we do not seek to isolate her, we celebrate the Divine that flows through her. Copying another woman so we can be more like her is one of the biggest forms of self loathing there can be. How dishonourable to oneself to say you want to be more like someone else. To your Spirit. And what of the woman you are busy competing with? Have you taken a moment to come to know all that has made who she is? If you truly wanted to be like her you would need to have lived her life, her heart aches, her pains, her fears, for it will have been these elements more than the fluffy, light ones that shall have shaped who you see now. Are you prepared to do that? If not, then stop trying to steal her essence. By dimming another’s light we do not shine brighter, we just make the world a little darker.

Our unclaimed wounds, our unknown inner children, if not explored and loved, if not held and released shall play out in our behaviour. It will be this child part of us that shall seek to steal from others, to compete with others because we are seeking something: love, recognition, power, safety. Something on some level we feel we do not have and another has. The Truth is we DO have it- we have all we need, our Journey is to discover where it lies in us. Now another woman may inspire us to do the work. Caroline Myss, Mother Theresa, Marianne Williamsom inspire me. I do not seek to attack them, to steal from them, to copy them. I seek to be me completely. I look to them for inspiration along the way and I am grateful they shine so brightly. That is Sisterhood.

Sisterhood is sharing the brilliance of another, is celebrating the beauty of another. Including those women we feel estranged from, we feel scared of, we feel intimidated by. Sisterhood is not about a community of smug women who all like each other sitting in circle being nice to each other, and at the same time, busy having a gossip and a moan about other women they judge. That is hypocrisy. Sisterhood embraces ever single woman everywhere in this world.

When a sister is hurt we feel her pain, knowing we are all one Womb. When a sister cries we cry with her and we hold the space for her. Wherever she is. When a sister is in need we are there for her. We do not seek to suck dry energetically some women, feeding off their life force, and bake cookies for others, we do not discriminate like that. That is not Sisterhood. Sisterhood says I love the woman I am and because I love all that I am I am able to Love all that you are. I see the Divine in you because I know the Divine in me. And until you have come to know the Divine in you there is no Sisterhood.

And until that time we shall live in a space of disunity and there shall be no Female, Feminine power house on this planet. We shall be busy fighting amongst ourselves for the attention of a man, for who is the most beautiful, for who is the thinnest, for who is the best. And what a waste of a life that is. Does the canary try to kill prey like the Eagle? Does the Wolf try to dive to the deepest levels of the ocean like the fish. When shall we learn to celebrate all we are and to allow others to be all they are also, for together we create a symphony of beauty. Can you imagine a world with confused birds all trying to be fish? Can you imagine a world of confused dogs trying to fly? Can you imagine what chaos that would be. And thats the chaos we are in now. Sisters! Shall we come together, truthfully and be loving to each other? Shall we?

With Sisterhood there is no discrimination. We do not fight for the rights of one woman, we do not seek to assist one woman and then ignore another based on the colour of her skin, her religion, her sexuality. If you hang out with your female friends and share stories and love and then a woman with piercings and tattooes walks past you all and you judge her, thats not sisterhood. If you see 2 women kissing, and you judge them for their sexuality thats not Sisterhood. If you see a woman with a head scarf on the bus and you dont want to sit next to her because of how she looks, that is not sisterhood. If you weep over the dying children in Africa and those dying in Palestinian refugee camps leave you untouched, that is not Sisterhood. That is not even humanity.

As women we can heal each other. We can sit with each other and heal the wounds of childhood, we can be the mothers we never had to each other, we can be the best friends we always sought at school. We can end the pain of old relationships and betrayals. We can do this by being impeccable with our words, we can do this by being free in our Love for it comes from the Divine, we can do this by seeing the Divine in another- for then all illusions of separation fall away. We can do this. We can do this one woman at a time.

Personally,I have spent my life reaching out to women. If I have an idea I share it, if I have only ten pounds in my purse I share it, if you need my help I shall be there. And in return apart from some beautiful souls I have met and know- the majority of women had competed with me, stolen ideas and projects, and betrayed my confidences. And for years I chased my tail believing I had failed in some way, that I must be doing something wrong. And yes on a level these women were showing me what I needed to come to Love in me, boundaries and how I needed to honour myself also. What they also revealed was their own wounds. How they felt if they stole something from me, if they put me down in some way they would feel better. And perhaps they did for a bit. I doubt that feeling shall last for ever. And so these wounds always always need healing. For ourselves and the damage we do to others around us. And my story is not unique. Time and again I hear the same from women. Yes we are of course reflecting each other all the time. However saying this is a reflection is not enough. The question is shall both sides of that reflection take ownership and start the healing process. That is shall both aspects come to heal. The part that wants to steal, compete, copy. And the part that allows that to happen. This needs healing in us all. And both these aspects lie in us in varying degrees. So ask yourself which aspect are you more aware of in you. And ask that part of yourself what it needs to feel complete now.

When we take responsibility for our actions we do not blame ourselves, that is not what this is about. We simple take ownership of our actions, our thoughts and our words and in that way we come to be the masters of our lives, we start to awaken the Divine in us. Simple. The Goddess in us has no need to compete, she has no need to put another down, she has not need to bad mouth. When we do that we are not in our Goddess Aspect, we are in illusion. And how long shall we perpetuate this illusion.

Our mothers did the best they could as did their mothers as did theirs. Today we live in an age of such discovery with so many methods available to us to come to heal and know ourselves. It is up to us to take this step. Sisterhood is not sitting in a field with women you like, sisterhood is being with those who may challenge you and still honouring them, sisterhood is reaching a hand to those you may not understand and still honouring them. Sisterhood is sitting with those you may feel outshine you and being with that feeling till it passes and the Truth emerges. That takes a strength of heart and spirit. When we embrace this strength that is when true Sisterhood shall emerge.

There shall be more words on this to come. For now let us open up to authentic Sisterhood. Universal.

I bow in reverence to that awakening in all Women. In all Sisters across the World.


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