I have been witnessing recently a real yearning to connect with something greater than who we are. With a force that is somehow transcendant, simple, healing, powerful and helps us feel a sense of peace and calm.

Some call this The Universe, some call this Mother/Father God, some see this as their Angels, their Guides. Some access this through meditation, through yoga, through sport, through music, through art. So many ways to dip our toes in that state of infinity and bliss. To feel that sense of connection to something greater than the sum total of this physical existence.  And it feels like the yearning for that connection is growing.

At the same time as yearning for this, there is a fear. Of the unknown, of what may happen if we open ourselves up in this way, of what will happen to us if we start to make changes in our life, over our levels of reality.

We fear what we cannot quantify, what we cannot put in a box and label.

What is there to truly fear? Our relationship with Spirit is deeply personal. No 2 people will have the same experiences or relationship with Spirit. Yours is unqiue to your life experiences, to your make up. In our lifetime the 2 most important and enduring relationships we will have are with Spirit and ourselves. For in actuality the relationship we have with Spirit is indicative of the relationship we have with ourselves and they are one in the same thing. For all is Spirit, all is One. When we connect with Spirit we connect with all there is, with that same One-ness that lies in us.

The closer we get to Spirit, the closer we get to the essence of who we truly are. If you go out in nature; connect with the trees, the wind, the suulight, the flowing waters, you connect with the essence of all that is, you connect with the elements that make up the existence we know. We connect with something greater than us. Through the Medicine Wheel we make a conscious effort to connect with all these elements in us and around us. And in so doing we are forever connected to the planet, to our environment. And so to something greater in every rainfall, in every breeze, in every sunrise and set, in every tree and rock. We call on those elements in us- the water, emotions in us,the fire and passion in us, the earthy inner strength in us, the breath of life that flows through us.

Spirit is in every breath we take therefore, in every drop of water we drink or that washes over us, in every step we take on land, in every light switch, heat source we sit with. And that is the simplicity, that is the ease with which we can connect to something greater than us at all times. And we can call it God, Spirit, or something else.

If spirit is in every step we take than what is there to fear?




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