Forgiveness has been in the air a lot recently. Personally in my life I have re visited this area, inspired by the work I have seen in meditation circles I have recently held.

What does it mean to forgive? There seem to be many ways of looking at this, of approaching it. Several things have become clear to me about all this. We forgive the person not the action. And we do this because we see underneath the action is a Soul encased in a Human form that is doing the best it can. That Soul, that Human is on its’ own Journey of discovery and self healing, its’ own challenges and learnings.

On a Higher Level we have chosen to experience each and every life lesson we encounter. How can we then turn around and attack that person who delivers that lesson to us? We may have chosen to learn empowerment say. How does one learn this? Can it be taught? Do we not learn this very lesson by having our Power taken away in some way and then fighting to re gain it. These are Life Lessons we are talking about, they cannot take place in the mind, they must take place in the body, the heart and at a Soul Level.

When we forgive we also are giving ourselves the greatest gift of Freedom we can. We are saying I wish to be free of all resentment towards this person and this event. And in so doing I make space in me for something better to take its place. All that space taken up in our dreaming world in wishing ill to someone, in harbouring anger towards someone. What if that space was taken up with dreaming of the life we wish to lead, the people we wish to have come into our lives and the experiences.

Forgiveness comes at its totality when we are able to finally walk in someone else’s shoes. The shoes of the one who has hurt us in some way and truly see and feel how they came to be that person who did what they did. When in that space of being able to see life through their eyes and also feel their pain, struggle, conflict, we can then find a space of Compassion for them. And in so doing how can we not forgive? Often it is the not knowing why someone behaved how they did towards us that causes such confusion or pain. If we are able to truly see through their eyes we will often realise that their actions – as often is the way- were not about us- but about them.

Forgiveness means we are able to take something deeply personal, less personally. And perhaps also see that were someone else to have been in our shoes they may have been treated in the same way. For we are not to blame. With forgiveness of another comes forgiveness of Self. And that is incredibly healing.

I urge those who come to see me and I also aim to myself re visit relationships that have become stuck at the unforgiveness level and chip away at the resistance to let go. And then see what starts to flow. Lack of forgiveness creates a stuck energy, and it can mean that we start to feel stuck in areas of our life. Love, Abundance, Health. Letting go and meaning it can allow that flow to happen again and so we can start to re enter life and become active participants.

Literature abounds with what people will do out of Vengeance. Out of lack of Forgiveness. Perhaps it would not make such a great drama to see what can happen when we let go. We have a chance to undramatically just get on with our lives. And so ultimately re gain Power over our Lives and ourSelves. As should be.

I have used for years The Inner Forgiveness Meditation and The Forgiveness Meditation in one form or another.

There are also many rituals that can be done. Or at the most basic level that intention can be set on a daily basis. That Prayer can be sent out. Dear Mother/Father God, Dear Spirit help me to forgive so and so and let go of all resentments. Help me to see the bigger learning in all this and to view through the eyes of Compassion. And in so doing get ever closer to my communion with my Highest Self and with All that is Truly of Love.


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