11.11 was a wondrous day of coming together for many, in ceremony, with ritual, with intention and full hearts and open minds. I shared this day with clients, friends and new meetings of like minded souls. We started the day with ceremony on a sacred site in London; drumming,chanting, offering our heartfelt prayers to Spirit, asking for the guidance of the elements. As we connected deep with Mother Earth, at 11.11 we fell silent and held hands, feeling the energies of our group and then the energies of the Universe flow, through surrender, these were grounded into the Earth, deep into our spirits in a way we may not realise for some time to come. On opening our eyes our circle found itself encircled by another circle of neighbours who had simply felt drawn to the land, to the drumming, to connect. We all held space together as One, for such We Are.

The rest of the day was filled with synchronicity and being witness to a yearning for connection, a seeking that came from the heart. Heartening and humbling in equal measure.

What I witnessed was the beauty of Ritual and Ceremony in our lives. The importance of coming together in community. And of placing our intention, of following our intuition, of setting aside time that is sacred and in that space devoting all our energies to clarity of intention, to connection deep within and with something greater outside us.

Ritual allows us to infuse our every day life with Sacred Meaning. It says to the deepest part of our self; I honour this part of myself, I honour my connection to something greater than me, I honour my I AM Presence and I will devote this amount of time every day to this. Anything that is repeated becomes a habit and when this happens it becomes a part of our lives that we could not do without. If we can do this with the morning coffee then we can certainly do this with our Spiritual Connection. For how can we make the changes in our lives we yearn for if we are not prepared to show up for them and for ourselves?

Ceremony is infusing this ritual with a grace and sacredness. It takes it out of the realm of the mundane or the disconnected and starts to infuse it with the dance of the Divine. All it takes is intention. Lighting a candle can be your ceremony. Yoga, chanting, burning incense can all form part of your Ceremony. And where does this ceremony take you? It takes you deeper into the most primal part of yourself. It takes you into the farthest reaches of the beyond, into that space of the elements that we recognise in a sunset that makes our heart soar or a full moon that moves us. It takes us back to our true roots, when we sat as one in Nature, when we communed with the elements around us, when we found the Truth in the silence of the winds, in the formation of the birds, in the signs in nature and not in someone/something else. For if we are all connected to an Infinite Power, if we all have the potential to be truly in our Power then how can our environment not reflect that? Ceremony and ritual are about belief. In oneself, in something greater than us, in the magic of intention, in creation of our desires, in our heart led power, in the essence of existence.

If we intend to create change, if we intend to heal, if we intend to manifest our desires, then ritual and ceremony are the vehicles, the fuel to our fires. Warming our desires and our emotions.

Walk in Beauty and Stay Blessed

Copyright Amber Agha

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