And so as time races forwards- there is something to be said on this sickness taking hold. A resistance to healing a resistance to paying for it.

In the days of the Temple workers- healers would have all their needs met – shelter, food, and people would also exchange services for a healing. Above all and the most important thing here is that there must always be a fair exchange for a healing. At the moment our society runs on exchange through the means of paper. There was a time and indeed there will be a time when it will be through gifts of some kind- a cooked meal, something of heart felt worth. And in fact there are healers today who will exchange services in that way through a donation means.

Let us be very clear on a few matters here. First of all there are those practitoners who charge to be frank sky high prices for healings. For an hour or 90 mins one can expect to pay in the region of £100’s. For that amount of money I would like to know that everything in my life ever has been healed- for good! I am not quite sure how such high amounts are justified- other than people are willing to pay this much. Usually because the practitioner in question is healer/psychic/something ” to the Stars”- appeared on Television, has a well managed publicity machine, did a workshop at a Festival and so on. Who is to say whether such practitioners do indeed cure everything- ever- who knows the Truth of their Power and Connection to Spirit.

And then we have those healers that charge a nominal amount- so low you wonder how that is possible. A myriad of reasons here. Some out of genuine goodwill, some because they do not need to earn a living from this- it is just a token. Some because the healer does not feel “right” about charging. And often one will find such healers are giving too much of themselves, having boundaries crossed and trying to find that balance between doing the work of Spirit and living in this physical world.

And live in this physical world we must. Perhaps there is some notion that healers survive on Air and Sunlight- and the Fairies come and pay the mortgage and the bills. That they have a direct line to God and every time they need a new pair of shoes or medical care they ring God up ask for it and voila there is turns up! In some ways that is true- we can all pray and ask for our needs to be met. And Spirit shall give us what we need in many ways- a gift, a new opportunity, fresh ways of thinking and on. However healers are human too. With practical, mundane needs too.

However what differentiates the healer from the client is the healer has chosen to do this work as a vocation. Of course healers become clients too- seek healing too. Above all what this means is this person who you are now entrusting your Soul too has worked on themselves rigorously for years. They have trained- and yes that usually involves the exchange of paper again. Sometimes at a great cost and sometimes at a sacrifice to other parts of their life. They have gone deep into all aspects of themselves so they can then bring their unique medicine to the world.

Personally my whole life has been a training. Anything more formal has taken well over 8 years. This has been 8 years of workshops, courses, initiations, healings, study, travel. This has all cost me- and all I have paid for with a glad heart- because it was taking me a step closer to my Truth. Every healing I have ever had that I have paid for – even when times were tight- I  did so with the knowledge this was for my Journey and rather than resent the healer I was paying, it urged me to manage my finances better and above all my self healing better. It urged me to get empowered. And I was grateful for the exchange. That someone took the time to help me feel better in some way. That is a beautiful thing.

When we start resenting for our healing what exactly are we resenting? And I am hearing this from many healers- clients resenting paying. Do we resent paying for our food, for our clothes, for our mortgage or rent, for our gas and electricity, our taxes, our petrol, our manicures and hair cuts? Or do we do it knowing this is something that needs to be paid for and so we save up, we make it work. Why? Because we want to get our nails done. Because we need to eat.

So if the healing we are paying for is reasonably priced and that means for us- so for one person that may mean something totally different to another. Pick what is in your means first. If it is reasonably priced, if it is helping, if it is something that is making a positive difference in one’s life then where does the resentment to pay come from?

I would say resistance. It is a distraction. Anything that takes us away from our goal to better health is a distraction. It becomes a convenient scape goat. And suddenly the same person that was happy to start the healing journey is now resenting it. This healing process is not so easy, painful wounds come up and now have nowhere to go, will not be buried. Suddenly the journey to the healer seems a chore and the trains are always late, and its always seems to be raining, and anyway we could certainly spend that money on that new coat, that holiday that would probably make us feel much better. And also didnt this healer say we would be fixed by now! Why arent we fixed?

Sure some healers may have questonable motives- they may try and get their clients to stay seeing them for years. I have personally encountered a few. Far more truthful is every healer wants to feel they are making a difference- they want happy clients who say thank you I do not need to see you any more. I always feel so much Joy when I hear those words. Thank you I do not need to see you anymore, I feel like my life is now in my hands! Yes!

However, if there is resistance and one is expecting miracles well then yet again that is a distraction. The serial healing seeker. The last healer was too expensive, the one before was not good enough, the one before that lived too far away and on.

When shall we start to put our healing first? When shall we say my well being is worth saving a little every week so I can be empowered. When will we honour those who exist to serve us and our needs. When will we have the humility and gratitude to see how lucky we are that we can even go for a healing in the first place!

Healers charge so they can train, and re train, so they can keep their channel clean, so they can be the best they need to be for their clients. And yes that does mean paying the bills, mortgage and buying the weekly shop. So until we get to a time where we exchange services- my accounting for your healing, your baking for my car repairs- this is how it is. Resenting the exchange serves nothing and no one. Do we want our healers sleeping on the streets so they can afford to heal us for free? Do we ask the same of the postman or the gas repair man?

Honouring the exchange says to the Universe- Thank you. And should this healing be the right one for me right now then please help me find ways to continue. And when we pray with our hearts then our prayers are heard and opportunities come.

Let us not be distracted. Let us not attack those very ones who serve to help us. This needs to end in the new times to come, or we shall never come together as a community. And that is very much what we are here to do. Above all we shall always be using “money” as a distraction to coming together.

If you want a healing and cant afford it right now- save up. If you still cant afford it then ask the healer if they will do an exchange with you- maybe you have something you can offer, ask if you can part pay, ask if they do reductions- ask. The fact is when we want something we do all we can to get it. I have never ever let finances stand in the way of the things I truly wanted in life. When I was not too sure, when I was looking for an excuse anyway then yes finances became a convenient scape goat.

We shall be in a time where all shall be a fair exchange. While we stumble and fall there lets have the good grace to know that paper money is a way of giving thanks to the person that has served you in some way. One day we shall give thanks with our hearts and a heart felt gift. Till then and this is what money is for- we give thanks with paper. That is all- we give thanks. So the next time it feels like hard work to hand over that bit of paper ask are you really happy, do you really want to give thanks? And what are you resenting? The service? The fact your bonus has not come through? What? Never ever have I resented a healing. Never ever have I resented paying for a workshop or course. Ever. My intentions were clear. This was for my good. If one has doubts these need to be looked at- the core of them. Doubting what? The ability to heal, feeling worthy to heal? What?

If you want healing, you will make it work. The question is do you want to heal your wounds truly no matter what it takes?


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