Fear can sometimes envelop our lives like a thick blanket. Keeping out the warmth and instead covering everything in a dense fog. When in that state of Fear we become almost paralysed. We may know the steps we wish to take. We may have the yearning for the life we want to lead but something is holding us back. Instead of jumping in, we are standing still, we are counting time and waiting for some “sign” to tell us it’s okay. The reality is there are no earth shattering signs, the signs are around us all the time, we simply need to look, to view with eyes of Love and there they shall be.

So how to get through that fog? How to forge a way through the Fears that can consume any of us. Recently I was shown Fear as just that a fog, a dense blanket of grey. Something that we can almost wear such is our affinity with it. And as we wear Fear we are further away from being in our Power.
Our task is not necessarily to weigh ourselves down with tools of protection, or with mantras and positive affirmations. None of them will work if deep down we are operating on a belief system of the Shadow. Our task is to seek ways to transcend the Fear, to cut through it or to find our grounding within times of it.
As we step into times of immense change, as we immerse ourselves in the cycles of shift, what will keep us afloat and in our Power- and for some this will be a time of awakening your Power- will be how greatly that Fear can be transcended.
The greatest protector we have is Love. We have a choice in any given moment. How to respond to a situation, to an event. We can feed the fires of Fear and respond with more of the same or we can choose the path that gives us most Peace. Does this translate to every possible event in life? I cannot say…already my mind is racing with situations in which this may or may not work. What I do know is that what empowers us in situations especially when we feel our Power is being taken away is how we respond. Love does not mean passiviity. Love is Fearless, love speaks the Truth only, Love ensures that all your needs are met. A mother will fight to the death to protect her children through the power of Love. Lovers will cross oceans to be with each other. Love can transcend that illusion of separateness and the mirage of being limited and small. Sometimes this Love may mean fighting hard for the thing that we seek to protect and save, sometimes it will mean laying low and biding our time, sometimes it will mean transcending the situation we are in. What Love means to you is as unique as how you give and receive Love.
We can source this Love at any time, by connecting with our Guides and with Spirit. We can call to the Angels of Love, Archangel Chamuel, we can call to Spirit to feed us Love, we can surrender to bird song, to a sunset, to the warmth of a breeze on our face, we can recall a moment when our heart pulsed with the warmth of Love. We can repeat the words Love, I give Love, I receive Love and just allow the resonance of those words to be enough.  Find your own way of accessing Love. A Love so strong that all fogs are cleared. A Love so fierce that it affords all the protection and discernement you need. A Love so True that it always allows you to be the truest essence of who you are and to sing that free in the times to come.
We shall have many more years to come of changes, of re alignings and of re workings. What shall keep us united is to know we are not alone, is to spread that Love, is to allow Love to work itself into your life in the smallest ways- a smile from a passing stranger, a well made cup of tea, laughter in the breeze. Whilst ever more deepening your connection with Spirit, with your Guides. For that is a Love that has endured time and shall continue to do so.
Remember we are here to be happy, we are here to be the Greatest we can be, we are here to Love and be Loved in all its wonder and glory. Anything that takes you away from that is an illusion, is a distraction, is a fog that can be transcended.
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